Natural Gas Solutions
Natural gas is changing America’s energy landscape, powering the modern economy and driving environmental progress. The abundant, low-cost fuel is altering our energy equation, especially as utilities make the switch from coal-to-natural gas in electricity generation. Natural gas delivers heat and power to our homes and businesses, serves as the building blocks for our manufactured goods, reinforces our national security, and supports next-generation technologies in transportation, healthcare and communication.
Utilities, manufacturers, marine shipping operators and millions of home- and small business-owners rely on natural gas for the energy they need, at the prices they can afford.
Natural gas is an attractive fuel because it is clean burning and efficient, and ample supplies of natural gas are available from domestic resources. Recently, natural gas production in the U.S. has increased substantially due to technological advancements in natural gas extraction methods.
This increased production has displaced traditional supply sources and resulted in reduced prices for natural gas consumers. The prospect of ample natural gas supplies, continued low prices, and the favorable environmental and economic position of natural gas-fired electric generation plants are leading to expectations of growing U.S. demand for natural gas, especially in the electric and industrial sectors, and potentially for export as liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Here's why the benefits of natural gas matter:
Natural Gas is Cleaner
Natural gas produces one-half the carbon emissions compared to coal when used to generate electricity, and, since 2005, the share of natural gas in power generation has increased dramatically. That’s the leading reason why levels of carbon dioxide are at their lowest in nearly 25 years. In fact, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that almost two-thirds of the carbon dioxide emission reductions between 2006-2014 were the result of fuel switching to natural gas.
Natural Gas is Reliable
U.S. households and businesses depend upon energy available at the flip of a switch. To make that possible, the power grid’s electricity supply must be balanced with consumer demand, and the system must be flexible enough to adapt to fluctuating needs. Natural gas can reliably and efficiently meet the dual challenge of dispatching power at an affordable rate and providing the fast-ramping electricity needed to keep the lights – especially when demand is high and when intermittent resources, like wind and solar, are unavailable.
Natural Gas is Affordable
By 2040, consumers across the country could save an estimated $100 billion, or $655 per household, from the increased use of natural gas throughout our economy – from manufacturing to generating affordable electricity.
Natural gas is the leading reason levels of carbon dioxide are at their lowest in nearly 25 years.
Natural gas dispatches power at an affordable rate and provides fast-ramping electricity.
Consumers across the country could save $100 Billion or $655 per household by 2040 from the increased use of natural gas for manufacturing electricity generation.
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What is Natural Gas?
Converting natural gas into its liquid state decreases the fuel’s volume by nearly 600 times, making storage and transportation of the resource much easier. Liquified natural gas, or LNG, results when natural gas is cooled to a temperature of -260 degrees F.
Where Does Natural Gas Come From?
Natural gas has existed for millions of years underneath the Earth’s surface. Before civilization understood what natural gas was, it posed a mystery. The gas would seep from below the Earth’s surface and create fire when mixed with lightning strikes on the ground. In 500 BC, Chinese civilizations created crude pipelines made from bamboo shoots to transport the gas. The gas was used as a fuel source to create drinking water, by boiling sea water to separate the salt.
What is Natural Gas Used for?
There are many uses of natural gas, all of which benefit our society. From the early 19th to 20th centuries, natural gas was primarily used to power lights in buildings and on streets. Today, modern technology has allowed us expand the uses of natural gas, some of which include: electricity generation, heating, cogeneration and trigeneration, transportation and manufacturing.