API Weekly Gasoline Updates
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average U.S. retail price for regular grade of gasoline rose this week, up by 4.6 cents (1.5 percent) from the previous Monday’s price to $3.128 per gallon.
According to the EIA, the average U.S. retail diesel price (including taxes) rose this week, up by 0.5 cents (0.1 percent) from last week to $3.665 per gallon.
Fuel Saving Tips for Drivers
We count on our cars to get us where we want to go, when we want to go. That sense of freedom is important to us, but we also want to be sure we do our best to conserve natural resources for future generations.
U.S. Imports
Do you think most of the oil we use comes from the Middle East? You might be surprised.
Why Diesel Prices Differ From Gasoline Prices
The price of crude oil is the main factor in the price of diesel fuel, and fluctuations in the crude oil market greatly influence changes in diesel prices.
API Suggested Diesel Pump Labels
The federal requirements now in effect for producing diesel fuel with a far lower sulfur content has clearly led to many changes in the refining process, and with them have come changes in a number of API standards.
Consumers and Heating Oil
Ever wonder where heating oil comes from? Or why prices fluctuate? Or even how you can help to lower your heating oil bills?
Vehicle Technology Studies
Technical and Cost Issues Pose Challenges to the Re-Use and Recycling of Spent Batteries From Plug-In Electric Vehicles
A recent study commissioned by API appraised the nascent business of recycling and reusing batteries from plug-in electric vehicles (EV) in North America. The effort involved an extensive literature search as well as interviews with industry representatives to: (a) identify the processes employed for the reuse and recycling of EV batteries, and (b) evaluate available information on the technical, environmental, energy and cost issues associated with EV battery reuse and recycling.