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Copyright Information

How to obtain copyright permission to utilize portions of API-owned studies in compliance with substance regulation

The American Petroleum Institute has sponsored the 211(b) Research Group and High Petroleum Volume Challenge program, both of which focused on health and environmental studies of petroleum-based substances. These programs have successfully completed and a wealth of API-owned health and environmental studies have been made available to the public. While copies of many of these studies are available for purchase, interested parties may also seek to obtain copyright permission to utilize portions of these studies in compliance with a substance regulation. If you would like to request a letter of access (LOA) which provides copyright permission to refer to an API-owned study for use in compliance with regulation, note that a copyright permission fee will be assessed and is based on the initial cost to perform the study. Fees for permission to refer to any of API’s health and environmental studies are divided into 5 tiers:

Original Cost of Study Fee for LOA
Tier 1 – Lowest Cost $1,000
Tier 2 $2,000
Tier 3 $8,000
Tier 4 $10,000
Tier 5 – Highest Cost $15,000

If you would like to obtain copyright permission for an API-owned study as part of compliance with a substance regulation, please contact us at and include the following information:

Letter of Access Signatory Information:
First and Last Name
Email Address
Organization Name
Organization Street Address
City and or State, Country, and post code

Study Information:
Report Title
Report Date
Study #
Regulatory Structure the studies aid in compliance with (EU-REACH, Korea REACH, etc)

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